November Member Meeting - 11/15/2022
Minutes not yet approved
Called to order: 2:35pm
Present: Christine Carpenter, Sally Browne, Steve Eilers, Brenda Vavroch, Ruben Carrion, Tammy Turner
Minutes: Reviewed and discussion Motioned RC, 2nd SB, approved
Treasurers Report:
- October- 2022 Notice of unspent funds went to Embrace the Race and Color Me Human projects. Current Coalition balance $4,596.30 Motion SE, 2nd BV, approved
Theme Group Updates
Health & Wellbeing
- Neighborhood Bike Ability -Waterloo - draft is currently being reviewed by INRCOG and Health Dept with Wellmark. Wellmark and INRCOG transportation planner Kyle Durant will share the recommendations with Waterloo Complete Streets Advisory Committee at an open public meeting Nov. 29th 1:30pm City Hall. Brenda asked if the HCVC would help promote and invite the participants and other community members to a workshop with Wellmark in February or March next year.
- Beyond Pink - over 1000 registration, perfect weather for the day of event. Still remain represented on the National Board of Breast Cancer Coalition to help with national advocacy.
Access to Fresh Produce
- Food Bank Garden yearly produce totals 7500lbs which was an increase of 1200lbs over last year.
- Looking for different garden groups to work with possibilities are People's Clinic and Antioch - High Tunnel for next year's grant.
- Extension will have seed starter, seed distribution, saving workshops again next year because of high community participation.
- Master Gardeners and Extension are seeking for veterans to join in their programs and classes.
- Back Yard Tour: Sent out meeting notices for upcoming planning year to committee members also have an open request for new committee members. Looking to possibly follow up developments from previously featured groups. Request sent to City of Cedar Falls for printing again.
Promotion & Development
- Update contact information and will share out one more newsletter and meeting notices for the next year.
- Holding off on purchasing table clothes for now.
Unfinished Business
- Color Me Human Update: Ruben shared experience about the libraries process for approving book donations for circulation. Some libraries have sent notes of appreciations along with follow ups. Circulation reports will be requested in the spring to add to the grant report from 59 libraries in total and 3 have sent back the books.
Looking at ways to spend remaining funds, may purchase more Color Me Human stickers to send to libraries.
Member Announcement
- Nominations of officers - (even year)
Christine Carpenter - Treasurer
Sally Brown- Interim Promotion & Development
Kathryn Gilbery - nominated for Health & Wellness
Fresh Produce - Open - Need to recruit new members!!! Representative of the mental/behavioral health fields was identified as a need.
- Ruben described this community recovery/ reintegration program One City - to reach out to and learn more about.
- Iowa Waste Reduction Center- Grant funded program to help with surplus produce from farmers markets and business encouraged to compost instead of landfill dumping.
- DNR Food storage capacity building grant available for food pantries, contact Iowa Waste Exchange, Tammy Turner for more information or assistance.
Membership for 2023
- Individual membership: $5.00
- Organization or Business membership: $20.00.
- Payable to Healthy Cedar Valley Coalition
Meeting ended at 3:48pm
Recorded by Brenda Vavroch