September Member Meeting - 9/27/2022
Minutes not yet approved
Called to order: 3:12pm
Present: Christine Carpenter, Sally Browne, Steve Eilers, Brenda Vavroch, Katie Boaldin, Kathryn Gilbery, Mira Evans, Melissa Summers, guest- Curtis Young CV Bike Collective
Minutes: Shared via email Motioned CC, 2nd SB, approved
Treasurers Report: August 2022
- Embrace the Race received another donation $954.84 to be deposited in our account. Discussion to accept $1000 donation from Embrace the Race back to HCVC to go to HCVC events. Motioned SE - 2nd BV, approved.
Theme Group Updates
Sustainability - No report
Health & Wellness
- Just wrapped up the Bike Ability Study with Wellmark of the Waterloo Unity Neighborhood. The report will take 4-6 weeks to come back. Plan to host a follow up presentation Nov/Dec.
- Pink Ribbon Run Oct 1st Beyond Pink Team
Access to Fresh Produce
- GEL - program assessment wraps up end of season, received a $7,000 donation from a local donor to fully fund the program into the next year or beyond.
- Fresh Produce Chair resignation accepted, HCVC will look for replacement.
Promotion & Development
- Working on design and colors for the table clothes, order will be placed soon. Having more admin users on the FB page continue to share and promote info and events that follow HCVC mission.
- Promotion & Development Chair 2-year term is up - The role creates the newsletter, website and Facebook updates. Nominations accepted
Unfinished Business
- Brain Injury alliance - canceled group picnic due to low involvement
- Election of Officers - Even year - Treasurer, Dir Health & Wellness, Dir Promotion, Fill Fresh Produce vacancy
Member Announcement
- Melissa Summer - Returning member to HCVC in a new role, Pathways Behavioral Services- in school life skills, alcohol, tobacco, and gambling addiction specialist
- Upcoming events - AEA Continuing Ed Guest Speakers Oct 18th
Theme Group Updates
- Next Board Meeting October 25th, 2022 2:30pm Possibly at Sportsplex
- Next General Member Meeting Election of Officers November 15th, 2022 - 2:30pm
Membership for 2023
- Individual membership: $5.00
- Organization or Business membership: $20.00.
- Payable to Healthy Cedar Valley Coalition
Meeting ended at 3:50pm
Recorded by Brenda Vavroch