January Member Meeting - 01/26/2021
Present: Nikki Carrion, Steven Eilers, Christine Carpenter, Tammy Turner, Katie Boaldin, La Toshia Burrell, Ruben Carrion, Sally Browne, Rachael Chapman, Anna Banfield
Minutes: Minutes of the November meeting approved as written.
Treasurers Report: A balance of $3,791.78 remains. End of the year report- ready for the audit of books. Sally Browne and Ruben Carrion agreed to meet with the Treasurer in the spring to do the 2020 audit when we can meet outside and masked. 2021 Membership dues- $5/year for individual, $20/year for organization. Checks made out to Healthy Cedar Valley Coalition- mail to Christine.
Theme Group Updates
- Sustainability - Having monthly meetings. Have confirmed Sat. June 19th 10-1pm for Backyard Tour. Four sites confirmed- Orange Elementary, Cedar Falls seed library has confirmed involvement. Working on other three- bird friendly, neighbor location/solar panels, gardens, and through C Triple E a garden in every lot. Next meeting February 19th- ideal to have seven sites. Working on ads from small town newspapers to direct them to our Facebook Page to help spread the news. Put together an HCVC request for funds in case we do not get the grant- money needed to buy programs, posters, Facebook boosts. Less than $575 cost needed (under projected costs). Last year approximately 252 people attended - has grown throughout the years. Grant is due 90 days before the event. Welcome to have HCVC greeters to help out on day-of event- help signing waiver, fill out a survey, speak on HCVC events under a tent.
Motion to Approve $600-$700: First, Sally. Second Erin
- Health and Well Being - Restrictions with COVID, continue to limit our work. Wear masks, social distance and limit the spread so that we can beat the virus and can get back to in-person gatherings soon. Embrace the Race is wanting to plan event again with collaboration of HCVC- more involvement and promotion of the organization. Working on 501c3 and could possibly not be completed by the time Embrace event happens- asking HCVC to commit to be our fiscal sponsor in case it was not completed in time so we can count on fundraising early and gain sponsorships in advance. Financial arrangements will be the same as the 2020 Embrace the Race: Embrace members will pay for all expenses until funds are deposited in HCVC Veridian Account. At that time, Embrace members will be reimbursed if receipts and documentation are provided to HCVC Treasurer.
Motion to Approve Fiscal Sponsorship for Embrace the Race: First, Ruben. Second Nikki.
- Access to Fresh Produce - Anna Banfield woks with Jodie Huegerich and the UNI Local Food Program as an Americorps member. They have a couple of events coming up - the Local Food & Film Series (originally the Local Food and Film Festival at the Hearst Center for the Arts in Cedar Falls). This new virtual event will occur monthly starting on February 1st with showing a movie using Hoopla and then having a group discussion afterwards on Zoom. Another event is the Local Food Event (originally the Local Food Dinner). This year it will be a virtual event in partnership with the Rooted Carrot Co-op Market, more details to come as we are still planning the event. Some other on-going projects that the UNI CEEE works on are the Veggie Voucher Program, Peoples Community Garden, and the Greens to Go mobile produce stand. These programs continue to change over the years and are currently working to expand and change how they operate in order to best serve the community. Steve is working on the Library Series- of live gardening presentations in Waterloo and Cedar Falls.
Promotions and Development Report
- Sending out a promotional notice via Mail Chimp of the Food and Film Series Thursday Jan 28th. Using graphic from brochure- including the dates and new wording. Need suggestions for schedule and content for 2021 newsletters- Late February and May- before the Practical Backyard Tour. Contact Christine for the zoom invites. Working on updating the website- continue sending updates to Sally. Cowboy Card brochure for HCVC- Total approximately $300 for 5,000 copies, reasonable price. Basic Template provided and asked to add graphics and include recent pictures, members, etc. Wait until the timing is right to get the wording set.
Unfinished business
- Health Champion Award. NEI3A Meals on Wheels received the January award.
Discussion for nominating nurses or school districts or possibly mental health therapists. Ronelle Langly, Global Community Hub, psychologist, works with individuals that formed a group and outreach to all over the world- uplifting and positive posts on Facebook. Steve will deliver the award since Nikki will be out of town.
Would like to see if there would be a lead distributer of the COVID-19 Vaccine who could be the point person to navigate the rollout- might be a good option for HCVC Champion Award in a future month.
Waverly Options for future award- strong community gardens and active work with sustainability, health and wellbeing.
New business
- None to Date.
Member announcements
- Katie: Contacted Rock Valley Clinic in Waverly- Jen Peters- she ran the Embrace the Race event and is supportive of getting the other Waterloo and Denver locations involved somehow.
- Toshia: Provided Nikki with several long sleeve t-shirts and Embrace the Race packets- including wrist bands, book, "How to Stop Hate Speech" informational handout. Will drop off to Steve's work for people to swing by and pick up.
- Tammy: Feb 25th Community Conservation Event- a whole bunch of topics covered; will share to put on our website once the pamphlet is completed.
General meeting for 2021 remaining March 23, May 25, July 27, Sept. 28, and Nov. 16, all at 2:30 pm.
The meeting adjourned at 4:03pm. Motion to Adjourn. First, Steve. Second, Nikki.
Submitted by La Toshia Burrell.