November Member Meeting - 11/17/2020
Present: Nikki Carrion, Steven Eilers, Christine Carpenter, Tammy Turner, Daquan Campbell, Katie Boaldin, LaToshia Burrell, Mike Henning, Ruben Carrion, Sally Browne
Minutes: Minutes of the September meeting approved as written. Discussion clarified
(1) that Tammy is still available to write the application for a Cedar Falls Tourism marketing grant;
(2) that Steve attends INRCOG meetings and the position Jackie Schares vacated there has been filled.
Treasurers Report: The CUNA grant was received and the monies disbursed. A balance of $3,791.79 remains in the HCVC Veridian account.
Theme Group Updates
- Sustainability - The first planning meeting for the backyard tour took place; three sites were confirmed: one on Rainbow Drive for rainwater conservation; a second with bird habitat and green spaces sponsored by local Audubon Society; and the residence of Master Gardener Glenda Riddle with composting and rain barrels. Four more sites are needed, perhaps an elementary school green space or the CF Seed Library. Possible dates are June 12 or 19. Last year the event drew visitors from four counties, so it may qualify for a CF Tourism grant. Alternate plans are being considered if the pandemic is still out of control. They could use help contacting the garden centers.
- Health and Well Being - Katie reminds us to help healthcare workers and wear masks. Hospitals are losing staff and struggling to provide care.
- Access to Fresh Produce - A winter market will be held 9am to 5 pm Fridays and Saturdays until Dec. 19 at 320 E. 4th in Waterloo. The curbside market service will be available.
The Local Food and Film Festival next year will likely be a virtual event and will still have a film component. Planning meetings haven't yet started. - LaToshia recapped the history of Embrace the Race and its growth into more than a one-day outdoor celebration. Next time, a goal is to involve more HCVC themes. Potential support exists for a similar event in Waterloo.
Report from promotions and development
- Ruben sent content from the Kiwanis PowerPoint to a graphic designer to start work on a cowboy card. The goal is to finish by the beginning of March.
Unfinished business
- Election of Officers for 2021-2022 Year. The following were elected by unanimous vote: Christine Carpenter as treasurer; Katie Boaldin as Health and Wellbeing chair; Sally Browne as director of promotions and development; La Toshia Burrell as secretary.
- Health Champion Award. DaQuan received the November award, and school nurses were suggested for February.
New business
- Nikki asks for our ideas on face-to-face versus Zoom meetings after the pandemic ends. She recommends at least some Zoom meetings. The issue will be revisited in January.
- Tammy suggests a little free library for books on HCVC themes. Each theme group could provide books on their topics.
Member announcements
- The Black Hawk Soil and Water Conservation District is putting together a set of videos about conservation for use in schools.
- Green Iowa Americorps Sustain Schools program now has a second person working with WasteTRAC on activities for families. The Christmas light recycling program is under way with collection boxes at various sites.
- Hickory Hills will hold a drive-through Christmas light display starting the Friday after Thanksgiving. Cost is $10 per car.
General meeting for 2021 are Jan. 26, March 23, May 25, July 27, Sept. 28, and Nov. 16, all at 2:30 pm.
The meeting adjourned.