September Member Meeting - 09/22/2020

Present: Nikki Carrion, Christine Carpenter, Tammy Turner, Katie Boaldin, Sarah Steinmeyer, Clarissa Klostermann, Sally Browne

Minutes: Minutes are available on the website to read before meetings. Minutes should also routinely be sent a few days after meetings to all who attended.

Treasurers Report: The website registration has been renewed for another year. As of August 31, HCVC had $3791.78 in the Veridian account.


Health & Wellbeing

Access to Fresh Produce

Unfinished Business: Christine asked for ideas about new projects to undertake.

Next Meeting: The November meeting will take place on the 3rd Tuesday, Nov. 17, to avoid conflict with Thanksgiving. Christine will check on keeping the Zoom link. A password could be sent out on the meeting notice. Christine moves we adjourn.

Recorded by Sally Browne