July Member Meeting - 07/28/2020

Present: Steven Eilers, Christine Carpenter, Tammy Turner, Katie Boaldin, Sally Browne

Minutes: Minutes of general meetings will be posted on the website as soon as possible so members can review them prior to the next general meeting. Until approval, they will be labeled as "Not yet approved."

Treasurers Report: The account is now at $3,800.96. The 2018 and 2019 audits will be mailed to Sally and Ruben for signing. Christine will renew the domain name; the amount is under $18.

Theme Group Updates:


Health & Wellness

Access to Fresh Produce

Promotions and Development report

Unfinished business: There was no additional unfinished business.

New business: Need for new secretary to replace Jacki Schares We discuss who has a good reason to join HCVC and review organizations previously active. Is there a need for a letter making the case for involvement in HCVC, or is a personal ask better? The newsletter could note our need for a secretary. We can inquire who will replace Jacki at INRCOG. Conclusion is to bring names next time either for membership or the secretary position and compare notes.

Member announcements: Sally Browne and Donna Davis will give a presentation on "Supporting Pollinators in Our Own Yards" at Hartman Reserve's 2nd Sunday Series on August 9.

G. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned.