March Member Meeting - 03/2019
Called to order: 2:35pm
Present: Jacki Schares, Tammy Turner, Nikki Carrion, Sally Browne, Sarah Steinmeyer, Lindsey Anderson, Katie Boaldin, Barb Ritchie, Clare Magalaner, Jodie Huegerich
Minutes: January minutes - No corrections, approved
Treasurers Report: $4216.32 since January, dues have been added. Membership form can be found on HCVC website. Please pay your dues
Theme Group Updates
- Sustainability - Backyard Tour date set for June 15 from 10-1. Singlespeed is finale spot again. Prizes TBD. Commercial green space highlighted will be by the new JJ area with a bioswale. Looking for homeowners and working with the Food Bank. Compost is a topic. Goal- next three weeks to finalize locations, print materials and social media ready.
Green Iowa Americorp Cedar Valley Backyard Compost Bin Sale. Sale ends May 26th. 50% off retail price. Two classes free to public about backyard composting, vermicomposting and bokashi indoor composting. Singlespeed and Cedar Falls Library in May. - Health and Well Being - Guernsey grant will continue through third week in May. May increase number of classes available given adequate funding and new application. Two possible locations- Pinecrest Building (current location) and CF Community Center on Main St. Currently signing up for post assessments. Functional Fitness and maintaining independence are next sessions major focus.
Local Food and Film Festival- 140 participants. 20 + vendors. Roughly 20 attended film and panel. Wrap up meeting next week and early planning.
College St Farmer's Market- 5 dates this summer starts June 6
nbsp; Bike Rodeos for Cedar Valley Schools start in April. Volunteers always welcome and needed! - Gardening/Fresh Produce - TBD
Promotions and Development: - Sally was pleased with the February newsletter. Average 22% open. February was a 31% opened for the newsletter. Meeting notice up to 21%. No sure why the increase in opens but it's good! General Meeting times needs to be determined with the change of president. Does Tuesday afternoon work for the majority of the group?
Announcements/New Business:
- Election of new president- Nikki Carrion with FitExpress
- Proposed general meeting times and locations- Board and General Meeting proposed to both be on Tuesdays at 2:45 and 2:30, respectively, on their given months. Locations - ISU Extension or NEIA Food Bank? Sally will follow up with Extension since it is a more central location.
- Updates on Request for Funds form - If the request for money is under $100 the form is not necessary. Matching Donations and Matching In-Kind Hours to be added to form.
- Potential NEIA Food Bank partnership to use local food bank for projects.
- Tammy moved to fund the Bike Rodeo food for the blender. Nikki second the motion. Approved $100 for Bike Rodeo materials
- St Patrick in Cedar Falls, Irving could be potential new leads for Safe Routes
- Project ideas - Summer Feeding sites—collaboration with food bank sites instead of school sites to reach more students since school sites are so low. Would need someone to coordinate this potential project.
Adjourn: 3:50p
Next General Meeting: May 22 at NEIA Food Bank 2:30pm unless changed to Extension office. Check your newsletter or email
Addendum to the March Minutes by Sally Browne:
HCVC could provide programming in conjunction with these existing programs:
- YMCA Summer Days.
- Farmers' Market downtown - improved recently and drawing from clientele HCVC tries to reach
- Summer gardening clubs at schools - used to be one at Cunningham. Highland Elementary has raised beds and a prairie.
- Health Department is looking at some NEIFB sites, with Sarah there on Tuesdays.
- Clare will send us NEIFB lunch site locations and days of week..
Other member announcements:
- NEIFB will try out food bundles with recipes to make produce easy to use.
- Sarah needs donations of peanuts, sweet potato slips, potato eyes, and cotton.