March Member Meeting - 03/2018
Called to order: 2:30pm
Present: Bryan Foster, Sally Browne, Angelena Purdy, Jacki Schares, Tammy Turner, Lyndsey Anderson, Nikki Carrion, Kathryn Gilbrey, Nora Kurtovic, Katie Boaldin, Jodi Huegerich, Jenna- UNI student
Minutes: Approved
Treasurers Report: Sally needs to make an appointment with the accounting instructor for the 2017 audit. Plans to schedule in April. Reminder to send in your membership renewal forms and money in for 2018.
Theme Group Updates
- Sustainability - June 16th Backyard Tours from 10-1. Please share on your social media pages. Finale and drawing at Single Speed. If you know of anyone who would like to showcase their backyard, please let Tammy Turner know ASAP.
- Health and Well Being - Local Food and Film Festival was held March 3. Surveys returned - enjoyed it. Over 300 people participated in the event. New location- Hearst Center. Will continue to use the first weekend in March for the event.
Report from promotions and development
- Sally wants to get a newsletter in April. Deadline to send information to Sally is April 6.
New business
- Children's Booth Sign Up for 2018 was passed around. Brainstorm who else could participate at a site. Look for an electronic version to be emailed and updated.
Member announcements
- Pathways is offering free drug/alcohol screenings as a service to the community. Takes five minutes. Look for an electronic flyer
- Paddle in the Park - by Hartman Reserve. April 22 from 1-4. Booth space available
- Guernsey Charitable Foundation grant update- target veterans and those who serve them to provide classes twice a week. Classes will be held at noon at the old Pinecrest building. Yoga and functional fitness are the focuses of the classes. Nikki will meet with the Foundation April 25 with follow up questions about the application. June 15 will be the official announcement.
- Nora distributed a new flyer that IDPH is targeting women/pregnant women who are switching to e-cigarettes. Updated numbers for tobacco use by county was distributed. Working with daycares to give free signage to be tobacco/nicotine free. IDPH only wants a copy of their policy.
- New Waste Trac website, volunteers needed for Electronic Recycling Event in Waterloo- April 14. Contact Tammy Turner. They still need 20+ volunteers. Must be 18 years or older. Waste Trac has on-the-go recycling equipment that can be borrowed for events. You are responsible for recycling the materials and to return the containers
- Volunteers needed for spring Bike Rodeo season. Local Cedar Valley Schools host various Bike Rodeos. Contact Jacki Schares is you can spend some time outside assisting with bike safety and education and helping kids.
- Buy Fresh Buy Local calendars were being distributed to the group.
Meeting ended at 3:45pm